About Locker Room
Find all the skills and tips you need to be happier and healthier basketballer.
Our Mission is to encourage the Basketball family to be the best version of themselves!
What are you waiting for?
Basketball WA, through its partnership with Healthway, is excited to give stars of the present and of the future the Fuel To Go & Play.
“Fuel To Go & Play” is all about creating healthy environments in sporting organisations and educating groups and individuals to make the right decisions – on and off the court.
The partnership aims to empower and educate clubs and administrators; provide training and resources for coaches and development officers; improve sports canteens’ ranging and display of food and drink items; develop Healthy half times and behaviours; and, of course, get everyone involved in the fun and games around the basketball for healthy competition.
So, whether you’re a player, administrator, coach or canteen attendant… or somewhere in between, what are you waiting for?
Get stuck into the resources and activities– and encourage your club mates to do the same. Remember, to be your best on and off the court, choose healthy options… for Fuel to Go & Play!